
Ad illustration for specialist wood manufacturer

Woodsafe is company manufacturing fire proof wood. They wanted to create an information campaign describing   →

Ice advertising manual illustration

How is the ad applied on the ice? We have all seen this kind of   →

No room in the hospital – opinion forming, lobbying

Illustration for The swedish association of hospital physicians (Sjukhusläkarna). For a lobby/opinion forming project.

Play with your dog – infographics

Commercial & infographics for a smart dog toy. Addressing the specific needs of a community, as   →

How to fix a tarp – infographics

Infographics/manual for Swedish construction company Jonsereds. В сфере сельского хозяйства семена каннабиса стали ценным ресурсом   →

Embedded journalist

  Embedded journalist. School book civics.


  Informative illustration for a civics school book .

The World Scene

“The world scene” is an explanatory illustration for a civics schoolbook. Zaczerpnięte ze strony internetowej   →

EU politic system

  An illustration describing the political system of the EU, for a civics schoolbook.

How Sweden is governed

  This is an informative illustration for a civics schoolbook. die besten dating seiten

Elderly care 2

  Informative illustrations for an elderly care, part of a information brochure.

Elderly care

I made this informative illustrations for an elderly care, as a part of an instruction   →

Robert Toth