
Comic for Swedish magazine IMK.  

World order

  “The world order” shown as a pyramid with impersonated nations, for civics school book.

Icons, history school book

Icons for a history school book, Sanoma Education.

Logo for Conicon

Logo for management consulting and training company Conicon.  

Declaration of independence

The American founding fathers discussing the matters of independence in dim light. History school book.   →

Icons for SKB

Web icons for Swedish property developer SKB.  

USA according to Europeans, mapping stereotypes

When I saw Yanko Tsvetkovs funny European stereotype maps, I wanted to make my own   →

Carbon-14 dating explained

Every living being has small amounts of C14 radiation. When we die this radiation will   →


Theatre poster, Regionteatern Blekinge Kronoberg, Sweden.

Illustrated map of Kullaberg, Sweden

Map with illustrations of Kullaberg in Sweden.

Working class home

Interior from a 19th century working class home, History school book for Sanoma Education.

World war one football

Football between enemies christmas 1914, History school book for sanoma Education, Illustrator