Logo for record company, inspired by the harbour area in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Logo for record company, inspired by the harbour area in Gothenburg, Sweden.
“Connecting the dots” concept created in collaboration with staff for ConiCon Ltd, a management consultant →
Just a small reflection about the referendum. For Göteborsposten (GP) Sweden’s second largest daily newspaper.
Woodsafe is company manufacturing fire proof wood. They wanted to create an information campaign describing →
To catch the readers attention is the ad illustrators job. In this case, to attract →
Illustration for Swedish company MSAB, to be used in digital marketing, social media etc. We →
Icons for different business areas, trading, construction, services, shipping, tourism, finance, governmental, manufacturing – and →
World Map to Nima Sanandaji and Maria Rankkas book The New Geography of Success Enterprising. →
Europe Map to Nima Sanandaji and Maria Rankkas book The New geography of Success Enterprising. →
How is the ad applied on the ice? We have all seen this kind of →