Parenting Tips

When raising children, parents strive to give them the best and provide the best upbringing. However, this is often associated with making mistakes.
One of the fundamental principles of parenting is to be able to listen to a child. It is necessary to pay attention to him and communicate with the child when he asks for it or feels that he needs it. Even if a lot of different things have accumulated, you need to distract yourself and give the child at least a few minutes. Cleaning or laundry can wait a bit.
Do not treat the child with excessive severity and do not demand unconditional submission. Naturally, the child must know and comply with generally accepted and family norms of behavior. But if he is overloaded with rules and procedures that he must follow, then he will live in constant anxiety or fear. By setting too many rules and demanding their unconditional fulfillment, parents turn into despots and tyrants.
It is necessary to have fun with the child, thereby uplifting both him and yourself. It is necessary to spend leisure time together, play, read books, tell funny stories.
When solving lessons, you do not need to do other things in parallel. This way it will not be possible to explain even the elementary rules of the same Russian language normally.
It is necessary to teach the child politeness. And not just by teaching with words what to say thank you, but by showing it with deeds and by example. The baby should be aware that it is necessary to say thank you after eating, leaving the table, when he is given gifts or just when he has been done something pleasant or helped in some way.
The child should be praised for all his academic achievements or for the fact that he managed to do something himself.
It is necessary to apply such methods of education so that when he grows up, he remembers only the good things. You can't let him sit in front of the TV all the time, it's better to take him for a walk or to the park, or play some kind of game. It is very easy to find an interesting activity that will captivate both parents and children. The problems of "fathers and children" disappear during joint classes.
If the baby gets his face or clothes dirty while playing or eating, do not punish him. It is easier to choose clothes that are easy to wash. And then, even the washing process can be turned into an interesting joint activity.
On weekends, it is necessary to plan the time spent together with the child, and not just doing household chores. You can plan a trip to the theater, cinema or to visit.
When a child begins to grow up, you can begin to devote him to the principles of family budget management. It is necessary to explain to him how family incomes are formed, how money can be spent. You can teach him to be economical as a child.
You should try not to yell at the child, even if his behavior is completely ugly, and the parents have already run out of patience. You need to restrain yourself, and shouting can scare a child and achieve nothing good.
You should not complain to a child about how difficult it is to raise him. In this way, you can develop a sense of guilt in him and give rise to an inferiority complex.
