Elderly care 2

  Informative illustrations for an elderly care, part of a information brochure.

Elderly care

I made this informative illustrations for an elderly care, as a part of an instruction   →

Illustrated ads

Illustrated ads for Pernova, a company selling walking aids and other elder care articles. The   →

Drone control room

Drone control room. History School book. Sanoma Education.

WW2 tensions in Sweden

The Swedish king and the ministers discussing whether to allow nazi-german soldiers to pass through   →

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks refuse to leave her seat. History school book. Sanoma Education.  

Vietnam war

Female soldier from the Vietnam war. History school book. Sanoma Education.

Cave painter

  A stone age cave painter and his tools. History school book. Sanoma Education.

The real olympic games

The real olympic games in Olympia, ca 400 BC. History school book. Sanoma Education.

It’s so dark in here

Comic for Swedish magazine IMK.

White walls

Comic for Swedish magazine IMK.


Comic for Swedish magazine IMK.